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Fiegel’s confidence rubs off

by Matthew Ondesko, Managing Editor

Confidence is key when it comes to being an athlete. Without it, you won’t get very far. Athletes need to have the confidence if they want to get far in their sport.

As an attacker on the pitch, there are times a player needs to be selfish. They need to want to have the ball at their feet when the pressure in on. They want to have their teammates rely on them to take control, and get them that win.

Confidence is a big part of that. You will see goal scores go games without scoring. They start lacking confidence in themselves, doubt starts creeping in.

As you look on the pitch during a Lockport High School girls’ soccer game, you will notice that junior Taylor Fiegel doesn’t lack the confidence to go out there and dominate a game when she has to.

This season, Fiegel has been on fire as of late, including two goals against Mt. St. Mary - and a four gaol performance against Niagara Falls. But, that’s how it’s been since Fiegel has been playing for the Lions.

It didn’t matter if she was a freshman, or now a junior, Fiegel is just going out there and taking control of the game when she is called upon.

“I have always had a lot of confidence in how I play during the high school season no matter what grade I have been in,” stated Fiegel. “I enjoy going out on the field, and age hasn’t affected that very much at all.”

Fiegel had a breakout year as a sophomore and of course expectations are high for her. She knows what people are saying, but she doesn’t put the added pressure on herself. She already has enough pressure being a forward, and scoring goals.

Why add more?

She knows what she can do out on the pitch. She knows what she is capable of when she gets the ball at her feet, or in open space. If she is 1v1 on the keeper, the keeper doesn’t stand a chance.

“After last season, I don’t really put a lot of pressure on myself - because I know what I can do and how I can help my team during the upcoming season,” stated Fiegel. “Being a forward can be stressful being counted on to score goals, but I block all of that out so I can play at my very best every game.”

Fiegel knew her workload was going to be more this year. She knew that she wasn’t going to be coming off the field much, if not at all. So, this offseason was different from most. Fiegel made sure to work on her fitness all offseason so she could play the entire 80 minutes.

“During the off season I’ve taken a lot of time working on fitness and cardio, so I can do as much as I can on and off the ball,” stated Fiegel. “I have also worked on a lot of footwork, so I can help my team get past tough defenses.”

Soccer is a way of life in that household with her brother, Daniel, playing for the boys team. It’s nice to have an older brother that is a keeper because she can work on parts of her game, knowing he won’t give her anything easy. It also helps Daniel work on things that he needs to work on as he gets ready for college soccer next season.

But, if you think there is a rivalry there, you would wrong. Both of them are there rooting on each other when they can. A lot of times both the boys and girls play at the same time, like at Niagara Falls - so it does make it hard.

“It’s nice having a brother that is a goalie, because we can practice together and both benefit equally from it and have fun at the same time,” stated Fiegel. “Daniel and I have always been there for each other during our time playing soccer. We’ve practiced together, gone to each other's games and having someone so close to you that also plays soccer is great.”

As a goal scorer you need a short memory as well. Fiegel doesn’t get too high with the wins, or too low with the losses. She just goes out there and tries to do her best every time on the pitch.

If she doesn’t score, and help her team win, Fiegel will think about some of those missed chances, but then work on her game in practice and get ready for the next match. It’s all about the now with Fiegel. You won’t see her dwell in the past.

“I try not to get caught up in the wins and losses, so I can focus on whatever game is coming up next. If we lose a game I think about what I could have done better, and just put my mind to winning the next game learning from my mistakes,” stated Fiegel. “When I go on the field I go to have fun and for me that cancels out all of the stress, and helps me play better. It also gets me in a better state of mind to play my best.”

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